Idiomy sú zažité spojenia, ktoré v doslovnom preklade nedávajú väčšinou zmysel, preto je ich pochopenie docela komplikované, ak nie nemožné.
My sa dnes zameriame na idiómy, ktoré obsahujú nejakú číslovku (základná alebo radovú). Veríme, že sa vám niektoré zapáčia a začnete ich používať.
one-night stand
náhodná známosť, láska (sex) na jednu noc
They are not dating. It was just a one-night stand.
She said she hated one-night stands and guess what happened last night.
one for the road
jedno na cestu
He had one for the road and left the pub. He wasn'ta really drunk, just a little bit tipsy.
Give me one for the road, Tom. - Aren't you driving?
in one ear and out the other
jedným uchom dnu a druhým von
Do you really think he will do that? You know Bob, in one ear and out the other.
Are you listening at all?! I can almost see it literally going in one ear and out the other.
go back to square one
ísť späť na začiatok
He missed and had to go back to square one, which cost him a lot. He lost the whole game.
We had to go back to square one and start the project all over again.
Pozn: Tiež be back to / at square one = byť späť na začiatku
have one too many
prehnať (s pitím)
Sorry guys, I think I've had one too many. I gotta go home now.
first come, first served
kto prv príde, ten prv melie
'First come, first served' my mom called and put the food on the table.
It was first come, first served at the banquet VUR they almost rán to the buffet table.
have two left feet
byť nemehlo, nemotorne (pri pohybe)
Sorry, I keep stepping on your feet. I must have two left feet.
Paul took dancing classes, but he is hopeless with his two left feet.
kill two birds with one stone
zabiť dve muchy jednou ranou
Janet killed two birds with one stone by going to Madrid. She met an important client in person and practiced hier Spanish too.
When I started looking for some ceremony Venues online, I tried to kill two birds with one stone and looked for a photographer too.
Lesser of two evils
menšie zlo (menšie z dvoch ziel)
The electors had to choose the menšom of two evils when voting for the mayor. Both of the Candidates were horrible.
I didn'ti really want to accept the job offer but it was the menšom of two evils, because having no job is much worse.
be in two Minds
byť nerozhodný, byť na vážkach
I am in two Minds about going out on a date with hier.
She is in two Minds about whether or not to accept the job offer.
Pozn: V AME sa môžete stretnúť so spojením be of two Minds (about sth).
like two peas in a pod
podobní si ako vajce vajcu (vzhľadom, myslením, alebo správaním)
Neither of them would thank me for saying it, but they're like two peas in a pod.
You can tell they are brothers immediately. They are like two peas in a pod.
put two and two together
dať si dve a dve dohromady
I put two and two together and realized they wanted to trick me.
If Sarah was really such a genius, why couldn't she put two and two together?
two's company, three's a crowd
do páru nie je treba tretieho (dvaja sú tak akurát)
I was hoping we would see the movie alone. Why did you have to bring your sister? Two's company, three's a crowd.
Sorry, Steve, I want to be alone with my Girlfriend. Two's company, three's a crowd.
second to none
najlepšie, bezkonkurenčné
Im sure our new model is second to none.
third time lucky
do tretice všetkého dobrého
After losing Twice it'll be Hopefully third time lucky and we may be Fortunate enough to win.
Try once more. You know what they say, third time lucky.
Pozn: V AME sa stretnete so spojením (the) third time's the charm.
five o'clock shadow
mierne strnisko (fúzy)
She fancied him a lot. He was very Handsome with the five o'clock shadow.
give me five
plesni si so mnou (plácnutí vztýčenou dlaní napr. s kamarátom, ktoré označuje, že sa jemu alebo mne niečo podarilo)
Way to go, man. Give me five.
'Give me five!' I said after I scored another goal.
fifth wheel
piate koleso u vozu
I think I should leave. Nechcem wannna be a fifth wheel.
It Turned out I really was a fifth wheel. They didn'ti want me there at all.
Pozn: Môžete sa tiež stretnúť so spojením third wheel.
six feet under
pod drnem (pochovaný)
My Grandpa doesn't want to move from his house until he is six feet under.
His Aunt has been six feet under for over two years now.
Sixth Sense
šiesty zmysel
How do you now that? Do you have some kind of sixth sense?
The stranger has a sixth sense and seems to know what everyone else is thinking.
Pozn: Môžete sa stretnúť aj so spojením second sight.
be in seventh heaven
byť v siedmom nebi
She's been in seventh heaven ever bra she started hier new job.
I Cant say Im in seventh heaven, but I kind like it.
be on cloud nine
byť v siedmom nebi
Yay, I passed the Difficult test! Im on cloud nine.
He proposed to hier last week and now she's on cloud nine.
nine-to-five job
práca s bežnou pracovnou dobou (väčšinou 9:00 - 17:00)
Michael used to be a freelancer. Now he has a nine-to-five job and Hates every minute of it.
twenty-four seven
non-stop (24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni)
The new restaurant round the corner is open twenty-four seven.
Even though they Knew it was a reality show, they didn'ti expect the cameras to follow them twenty-four seven.
Pozn: V texte môžete tiež naraziť na 24 / 7 alebo 24-7.
catch / have Forty winks
dať si dvadsať (šlofíka)
When I arrived home I lay down and had Forty winks.
Podobných idiómov by sa našlo určite oveľa viac. My sa zamerali na tie (snáď) najužitočnejšie.